Mellow Grove is our regenerative smallholding where we provide natural burials and carry out nature-friendly farming. Our growing projects include seasonal food crops, apple orchard, willow withies and native woodland. We are also developing bereavement support and other therapeutic activities in nature.
We’ve designed our land-use from permaculture principles to restore biodiversity and soils, using trees and waterways to increase shelter, create wildlife habitats, and store carbon. We are seeing a steady increase in soil and insect life, small animals, birds, and wild plant diversity.
We grow mature hedgerows, orchard and woodland as well as seasonal food using the natural conditions of our soil and site in the Culm Valley. We promote soil and plant health without chemicals by making compost, woodchip and hay mulches, and encouraging ecological balance. A small number of livestock (goats and chickens) contribute to this balance and our wellbeing without being used as food.
As custodians of Hackpen Natural Burial Ground we want to give people an affordable and peaceful space for their ceremonies and reflections, where they can watch a new woodland grow over time.
And we hope to create a community of support and friendship where people can meet, learn, exercise and connect with each other and with nature.